Smart Internet Agent for Image Searching

  •   The goal is to develop a methodology wherein a web agent can be shown a few sample images to train on.
  •     Once trained, it can traverse the web to locate images of similar content.
  •   A codebook is constructed at the time of agent training through clustering.  Codebooks are used then for classification.

The following images were used to build the Sky codebook: 


The Sky codebook magnified (16 codewords, 8 x 8 pixels.) 

An example of an indexed Sky image with 16% sky 



The following images were used to build the Water codebook:


The Water codebook magnified (16 codewords, 8 x 8 pixels.) 


An example of an indexed Water image with 67% water



The following images were used to build the Grass codebook:


The Grass codebook magnified (16 codewords, 8 x 8 pixels.) 

An example of an indexed Grass image with 28% grass 


The following images were used to build the Fire codebook:


The Fire codebook magnified (16 codewords, 8 x 8 pixels.) 

An example of an indexed Red Fire image with 38% fire 


The following images used to build Light Smoke codebook:


The Light Smoke codebook magnified (16 codewords, 8 x 8 pixels.)

An example of an indexed Light Smoke image with 19% light smoke


The following images used to build Dense Smoke codebook:


The Dense Smoke codebook magnified (16 codewords, 8 x 8 pixels.)

An example of an indexed Dense Smoke image with 11% dense smoke

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